5. Shop

To access the Shop, where you can mint Scribe NFT Collectibles, click the Shop button at the top of the page.

The Scribe Shop page looks a little different, as it can be seen by the public without logging in.

Public pages like this one do not have a black sidebar, and different menu options at the top. Clicking the Dashboard button on the top left will get you back to the Dashboard page. Each item in the shop you see are NFTs you can mint on the Scribe site. The shop items change as more are created. Each item has the Project name, mint price, and information about the project below the project default picture.

The green "View" button under the project information will bring to you the project detail and mint page.

The Scribe Mint Page provides the following for each project in the Scribe Shop.

  1. Project Name

  2. Total minted and total project quantity

  3. Mint Price

  4. Project Opensea link, if available

  5. Project Description

  6. Wallet Connect button

  7. Mint Quantity text box

  8. Mint button

  9. Optional mint with credit card button

Last updated