A Technical Overview

A peek under the hood!

Scribe runs as a series of apps and microservices hosted in the cloud. It uses Twitter as a high-level account. Under each account, a user can activate Digital Collectibles (like NFTs) held in their various blockchain wallets.

Scribe receives and aggregates events from apps and integrations to describe a user/collectibles journey in the Metaverse for many different purposes. By default, all XP and online event data go to the account. Scribe receives and stores millions of XP events for users and collectibles.

If an event comes in for a user and their profile picture also matches an activated collectible held in their wallet, the XP or event data will also be assigned to the Collectible and inscribed onto it. Of course an application can also send XP/Events directly for a user or collectible.

The application must be registered as a Scribe authorized app in order to send events into the platform, and the events need to be pre-established on the platform. So arbitrary XP can't be sent in. This provides a degree of protection around how users gain XP and level up.

When an XP event comes in, it can be assigned to a particular kind of bucket, like social or gaming. This is also predetermined by the kind of event, but is very useful in categorizing activity for users. This means a user can receive various unlocks/rewards based on not only XP, but KINDS of XP they've earned.

XP further aggregates into levels for users and collectibles. So there is a constant progression over a user's online lifetime which describes what level they're at from various online activities and apps as they come and go.

Last updated